BOOK REVIEW: No One Can Take Your Place

Sheri Dew is the author.

This book is filled with uplifting messages, stories, scriptures. They target women and her purpose is to encourage women to stand up and be counted. She says women have a divine mission and purpose alongside men.

“The Lord knows who we are, where we are, what our mission is, and what we need in order to accomplish that mission,” she wrote.

She teaches that each person has an individual purpose for being on earth. When a person dies, another person may fill in for that person’s responsibilities, but can never do it the same way.

Sheri told one story about when she was younger and had an opportunity to fill a certain roll. Fear kept her from stepping forward. Years later, she learned that that position was never filled and the group suffered for months with the vacancy.

We may not always know how important it is for us to accept and faithfully accept opportunities that come our way.